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I have extensive experience providing therapy to veterinarians, healthcare workers and other mental healthcare providers. I greatly enjoy working with these clients!

Working in healthcare is extremely challenging. Navigating compassion fatigue, burnout and general responsibilities associated with these lines of work often lead people in these careers to struggle immensely with mental health. I greatly enjoy providing counseling services to people who work in these careers in order to provide a space of compassion and support. I also help people establish and maintain a more sustainable work/life balance. 

One of my favorite jobs in my time as a psychologist thus far has been working with veterinary students and residents at Colorado State University as their embedded counselor shortly after finishing my doctoral fellowship. I continue to see clients in the veterinary field on a frequent basis.


I have since also provided mental health services to many other counselors and psychologists as well as providing counseling services to nurses and doctors. My minor in behavioral health and training experiences in medical settings has also given me an inside perspective on what a variety of healthcare workers experience on a daily basis. 

How healthcare workers can benefit from therapy 

It's no secret that people who are drawn to the field of healthcare struggle to prioritize their own mental health. Working in systems which often exploit this compassionate nature is often unsustainable for many. I work with my clients from a supportive and systemic framework to help them combat depression, burnout, anxiety and fatigue when it arises. 

Clinical Dog Examination

Specific reasons healthcare workers seek therapy: 

Smiling Therapist
  • Learning strategies for decreasing depression and anxiety 

  • Seeking support in navigating challenges at work 

  • Creating and maintaining a more sustainable work/life balance 

  • Having a space to feel heard and listened to 

  • Learn how to prioritize self as well as others 

  • Engage in values clarification and develop personal identity

  • Learn strategies for engaging in self-advocacy 

  • Discuss work-related challenges as well as challenges that arise in other important areas of life

How therapy helps

Therapy can be a useful way to develop strategies for managing difficult situations, enhancing personal growth, building self-insight as well as exploring underlying values and important emotional needs that may not have been acknowledged before. Healthcare workers have such a great burden of responsibility and therapy can often be a space where someone who is used to being in the role of giving can also learn to receive care and support. 

If you realize work is causing undue stress and detriment to your mental health as well as causing problems in other important areas of life, counseling can be an effective way of learning how to navigate these challenges as well as providing a reliable space of safety and support. 

Learn more with an introductory conversation

I deeply enjoy the counseling work I do with veterinarians, healthcare workers and mental healthcare providers. If you’re ready to learn more, email me at to schedule your introductory conversation. Let me know who you are, what you’re interested in discussing, and a little about your goals. I work with people through online therapy sessions. I schedule sessions for Colorado residents as well as residents of any PSYPACT states.

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